This is a blog about a woman named Maria..

Friday 22 April 2011


Dear Blog,

Who cares about my look? Im not pretty, however, im so thankful to ALLAH SWT for giving me everything that i could wish for, i can breath, i can walk, i can talk, i can smile, just thankful to you ALLAH swt on this holly Friday.. AMIN..

Thursday 21 April 2011

A new promise..

Dear Blog,

Ive made a big promise yesterday, to ALLAH SWT, the almighty, that i will not respond to the person who hurt my feelings, so badly, and so cruelly.. i just feel so low, so pathetic, so cheap, and so forgotten..

I just feel useless, and i just i am so desperately stupid and foolish, for holding on for this long..i just wish, i will keep my promise, i know i've broken my promises before, but i do not want it to happen again ya Allah swt..

Pls help me, give me the strength to move on, though the future might not be what i want, perhaps it may be what i should have..and i will try to embrace it..insyallah..Amin..


Minka Kelly

Dear Blog,

This girl, is so darn hot , and super2 pretty, i dont care if im a girl, but she is so darn pretty! MasyAllah..


Thursday 7 April 2011

Miss-ing you..

Dear Blog,

This aint anything, i just am missing him so much..all i could think about is him, its so unfair for me to have this feeling, i really wish, i really hope, everytime when im alone, when i pray, i will stop thinking about him, i really hope, one day Allah swt, the almighty, will take away this feeling, close my heart, really tight, for him, because i know, he doesnt deserve my love, he doesnt deserve me..

But right now, all i could think about is him..



Dear Blog,

Its been a while, ive been so lazy to log in, the darn battery for the laptop is not functioning anymore, it has to use the cabel at all time, anyways, on 26th Mar'11, i went to Redang, with my family ( some of them ), and some family friends.

Honestly, the beach was incredible, masyallah, but the weather was so wild. The day that we got there, was ok, but that evening, started to pour rain until the day we went back.

The boat trip to the island was sick! I was so sea sick, i was listening to my songs at all time, on the boat, i was sweating like sick, and i just couldnt believe that i didnt throw up!

But nothing much i can say, the beach was incredible, but i didnt take many photos,i just hate to see photos of myself on the beach, i'll look stupid.

But below are some great photos..

This was the actual beach, it was right in front of our hotel, Laguna Hotel..

our hotel, Laguna Hotel..

Sad part about this trip was, it was so disgusting to see people almost wear nothing, i can understand the kaafir but when muslims dont look like muslims anymore, it was sad.. it really was, and this is one of the reason why i hate to be apart of this not a holly person, never am, however, there are things that i think, can be avoided..but yet, people chose not to..
