This is a blog about a woman named Maria..

Thursday 21 April 2011

A new promise..

Dear Blog,

Ive made a big promise yesterday, to ALLAH SWT, the almighty, that i will not respond to the person who hurt my feelings, so badly, and so cruelly.. i just feel so low, so pathetic, so cheap, and so forgotten..

I just feel useless, and i just i am so desperately stupid and foolish, for holding on for this long..i just wish, i will keep my promise, i know i've broken my promises before, but i do not want it to happen again ya Allah swt..

Pls help me, give me the strength to move on, though the future might not be what i want, perhaps it may be what i should have..and i will try to embrace it..insyallah..Amin..


1 comment:

  1. Hi Mareia,
    It was beautiful to read your blog . A moving touching experience . Hope by now you would have found true love . Mareia my experience of life has been that you do not have to be good looking on the outside but on the inside . That is the real you . That is where God Lives . Am a blogger too . From one blogger to another , Take care .
