This is a blog about a woman named Maria..

Sunday 20 March 2011

A wedding

Dear Blog,

Every woman, will dream of a beautiful wedding, with a love one by her side..the love that will be for her for the rest of her life..i dream of the same wedding too, but will i ever have one?

Dear Blog,

My sister just got married a month ago, im happy for her, at last, theres a man that will take her to be his wife, im not saying she's a bad person, but she dates a lot, sometimes, i just dont understand it, how can someone thats so disloyal to someone else can end up having something that she always dream of? I guess thats what we call faith..and its faith that determine her to be happy..but will i ever have one?
Dear Blog,

I've always want a wedding, that is so simple, yet so beautiful, with only few people attending, maybe less than 100? Coz in my life, i dont have that many people that are close to me, infact, if i have to list down people that are close to me on a piece of paper, it will end up with a blank paper.. coz really, i dont have anyone close to me..i dont blame people, i guess its just me..but will i ever have one?

Dear Blog,

For me, i only wants to get married someone i really-really love, to someone that can make me happy for the rest of my life, someone that will never hurt me like other guys had, someone that knows who i am and can accept me for who i am, someone that can go through my life together, and support me and do stuff that i cant never imagine i could do without him, someone that i can laugh along with, and not afraid to hold me, not afraid to take my hand when im scared, someone, when i kiss him, he'll hold me, like he doesnt want to let me go..he'll look into my eyes and not afraid to say i love you to me, and someone that im not afraid to say the same thing too..but will i ever have one?

Dear Blog,

I once read, that good things will happen to girls who wait, patiently wait, i hope that is true..because all my life, ive never felt love, ive never felt wanted, ive never felt special, ive never felt needed..and for once, i just want it to happen..i really do..



P/S: I hope one day, i'll have a video like this..=,(

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